Monday, May 6, 2013

Fly to your heart

Hello guys, this is the post that i've been promised to you. A photoshoot that i took with my client, Corry Stephanie. Just upload some photos from all the result here, you could see all the result by click ----> here

And Just want to share a good news! Recently, me and my sissy just starting our freelance design+photography business. We call it Picxee! Yes, it is sounded like pixie, but we use Pic (for picture) and just add xee to make it sounds cooler! haha.. And, we also made the X similar to Tinkerbell's wings. To put more element about Tinkerbell, i named this post as Fly to your heart. <3

So, visit us Picxee Design + Photography. Feel free to visit, follow, leave a comment, or even leave a question by email. <3 

Okay guys, that's all for tonight. Upcoming post about my portfolio for picxee photography with my friend. And maybe adding some photos of mine then hehe, see ya!!<3